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    About Senyangwood, about our products, we want to share the information with you here.Producer of birch wood ice cream stick, wooden spoon, coffee stirrer, wooden cutlery, wooden utensils, tongue depressor, paint stick, DIY craft stick, round stick, waxing stick, toothpick, cotton swab.

    How many sizes of round edge beveled edge type birch wood ice cream sticks do we have? Before, most popular sizes of beveled edge sticks round edge type from Chinese sticks suppliers will be 114 mm beveled edge sticks and 93 mm beveled edge sticks. Compare with Chinese sticks producers,...
    New products in the year of 2023 from Senyangwood During the past year of 2023, we provided some new products for our customers who has specially using conditions. No. 1: Wooden chip fork with 3 side sealed paper wrapper. Fried chips are very popular all over the world, compare with plastic...
    New products introduction from Tianjin Senyangwood Co.,Limited-160 mm wood knife 2 in 1 Designing request from a famous worldwide store, they need some kind of spoon to take ice cream and some kind of knife to cut cake. According to this request, we designed one kind of spoon knife 2 in 1,...
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  • 23rd shuanghe industrial zone, shuang kou town, beichen district, Tianjin, China